Stage fright: nervousness before or during an appearance before an audience. An ancient response to imagined or real danger that lacks the ability to notice the nuances in modern civilization. This response is known as the “fight or flight” syndrome, a natural process that is designed to protect your body from immediate harm. This reaction pulls your hand from the boiling pot and urges you to run away from the cave as fast as you can before the big bear will eat you (From the dictionary).
If you are reading this you are probably a very courageous person with important things to say to the world. If you weren’t strong and driven, you’d probably give up by now. It is hardly possible to get rid of the trauma that created stage fright. This experience is registered in your brain and it will over take you, the moment a trigger pops up.
But if you are still reading this, you are determined to find a way to deal with it. You are right wanting so - your fear should not be the one to define you!
Here is the good news:
- You don’t have to waste any more energy trying to hide it, you have just stepped out of the loop: wanting to shine, being afraid, screwing up, criticizing yourself.. but .. wanting to shine, being afraid, screwing up.. Congratulation!
- There is what to do. Researchers developed cognitive exercises that could help you calm your stage fright so you could work with it. we could go through these ‘tricks’ and find out which 'trick' helps you do your thing best.
Can you imagine this? You are invited to give a presentation to a client, or talk about your work in an interview or be photographed for a newspaper article.. and you do it easily and impressively, with your fright.